TIP 31:
NPN Power transistor (rating typically 3A, with 5A pulse).
TIP 31 | 40V |
TIP 31A | 60V |
TIP 31B | 80V |
TIP 31C | 100V |
A1469 PNP (C3746 complementary NPN) 60V 5A:
- Type Designator: 2SA1469
- Material of transistor: Si
- Polarity: PNP (NPN C3746)
- Maximum collector power dissipation Pc, W: 20
- Maximum collector-base voltage Vcb, V: 80
- Maximum collector-emitter voltage Vce, V: 60
- Maximum emitter-base voltage Veb, V: 5
- Maximum collector current Ic, A: 5
- Maksimalna temperatura Tj, °C: 150
- Forward current transfer ratio (hFE), min: 70